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Well, I am throughly impressed.

My rat Sparticus learned to turn with clicker training in one session, in about three minutes. Now, its not paired with a cue, but he knew what he was doing. I could tell he was purposly turning because he would look at me wanting a treat and then turn. This continued about four times when I finally gave him a jackpot and ended the training session. Next, I plan to pair it with a cue.

Both rats are now reliably target trained, and I am pairing it with a cue, 'target'. My other rat charlie has learned to turn his head, which was the beggining of teaching turn. I am happy and satified with how quickly they are learning through clicker training.

NayNay's picture


No bowl, no nothing now. Just a click and my fingers.

This is so cool.

Looks like Sparticus is accepting food outside the cage, yes?