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"Masterpiece"? Karen must be blushing!

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A great review of Reaching The Animal Mind by clicker training community member Eve Alexander at examiner.com. An excerpt:


Karen Pryor's highly anticipated new book, Reaching The Animal Mind: The Clicker Training Method and What it Teaches Us About Animals is a masterpiece on so many levels!

First and foremost, it is a book about clicker training. Karen Pryor is the best-known name in clicker training because she is a very good teacher. She knows how to explain the concepts and the application of clicker training in simple terms that everyone can understand. As the book progresses, so does the information about the psychology behind clicker training. Like a clicker trainer, Karen builds on each chapter to introduce new learning in a way that never overwhelms the reader. She sets you up for success from the very first page!

Second, it's a book about Karen Pryor's career which began in the early 1960s when, through a series of unexpected events, she found herself training dolphins at her husband's Hawaii oceanarium, Sea Life Park. This compelling book recounts more than four decades of her remarkable life and career, told with humor and humility.

Third, this is a story book, filled with fascinating and surprising tales of Karen's experiences observing and training a wide variety of species from hermit crabs and fish, to dogs, horses, elephants, dolphins and whales. If you didn't already appreciate the intelligence, warmth and personality of animals, after reading this book you will. Near the end of the book, Karen tells you about new interest in using clicker training (called TAGteach) with people! Even if you don't have any pets and don't care a lick for clicker training, you'll enjoy the fascinating fabric of stories that is this book, Reaching The Animal Mind.

You can read the full review here. Thanks, Eve!



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