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This is gonna take a while. . . . .

So yes, this is the night before I am going to start clicker training. I have a very crazy dog named Sadie (We call her Coo-coo's or Sadie Coo's. I dont even know how to spell ''coo-coos.'') My dog is the craziest dog that will ever be known maybe even crazier than Marley the dog. So now I am going to clicker train her. Dont even know if that is going to work. Do you wanna know why I am training my dog when she's two? When she was little, she was sick-to-her stomach. She could only eat the expensive lamb and rice food. But now she is not so sick-to-her stomach. And do you wanna know why we dont just take her to obedience school? To answer that question, she poops, pees, and throws-up one minute away from our house. We have a dog that is car-sick. Dont get me wrong, We love her. After all, you gotta love Sadie. Our crazy, shedding Labradoodle dog. Yes, she sheds so, so much- it isn't even funny. Most Labradoodles dont shed a lot, as you probably know. Did I mention that this dog is C-R-A-Z-Y. Very crazy. Top of the level crazy. So right now I will give you a list of some of the crazy things she does.

1) She runs out into the street

2)She chews her leash in half while she is on a walk or sitting with us

3)She jumps a lot

4)She barks a lot

5)She barks at things like irons, blowdryers, and vacuums.

These are only SOME of the crazy things that Sadie does, so dont you know, it is going to take a lot to train my really crazy dog. Wish me luck tommorow, because I am going to need it.

Again, WISH ME LUCK tommorow when I am trying to have the task of getting her to sit. Thats going to take a while.


The new blog is called ''Sit

The new blog is called ''Sit Sadie!'' Check it out sometime! :)

Good luck!

You may hate me for saying this... but from the description, Sadie sounds like a perfectly normal, untrained, active young dog. That said, I know how overwhelming it can feel when bad habits (that goes for both of you! "to change your dog's behavior, you first have to change your own behavior" - been there, got the t-shirt....) have become ingrained.

I think it's really awesome that you've decided to start clicker training Sadie. My number one (unsolicited, I know) tip for you would be: Let Sadie work for part of her food every day, in food-toys (like Kongs or treat balls), "find it" games, and/or as training treats (mix some of her kibble with yummier stuff in a baggie). My number two tip would be to make sure she gets enough aerobic exercise and playtime - a lot of the "hyper" problems will go away if she doesn't have so much excess energy.

Anyway, best of luck to you both, and make sure you use all the great resources available these days on the Web. Keeping a record of your progress is a terrific idea too (which I should get better at myself). 




Thanks! The first day of training actually went well.She partly learned how to sit, that was a good thing.She just needs to learn how to sit in busy places. We have been mixing all types of food in with Sadies food, she can eat much more than lamb and rice food now. It was just at first when we got her that we couuld only feed her lamb and rice food. Read my other blog, its about our first training session with her. It went very well (Sadie is such a sweet dog) Anyways, thanks for the comment!