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Filed in - good dog

My dog ran out into the road again today. We keep thinking that she is going to get run over but she doesn't. Hope shes not like a cat with nine lives, because she had ran out in the road atleast five times. We are going to get an electric fence for her, we also need to fix the gate. Hopefully then she will learn YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO GO IN THE ROAD! Even though I love her I have to say she is being dumb, and even I know that. I need to start training her again, I havent trained her for two days, this has been a busy week. This is just a short blog to tell you how shes doing since I have not wrote one in a while. She's doing good besides that, She just got a bath, she needed one.

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little suggestion

You should try exercising her more :)

She should be gettin 1 1/2 hours of exercise everyday. and if you already do that then that means she needs more walking!  And if you can only walk her for so long then get a doggie backpack (wolfpacks make the highest quality) and that should keep her happy. (playing fetch, going to the dog park, agility does not count as "exercise" Dogs are traveling animals and controlled walking/jogging/running (in heel) is real exercise.

Also she shouldn't be in the yard without supervision, I don't know what the reason is for keeping her in the yard alone for you. I know my friends do it to give the dogs "exercise" but its seriously not exercise at all. My dad's yard is 6 acres with a small lake and the dogs get free roam. But he walks all 5 dogs for 2 hours everyday >.>

Electric fence sounds interesting but becareful. Many dogs leave because they're chasing something and when they're in a predator mode they will ignore a shock. But when they try to get back they'll notice the shock.

Sorry for the long comment but I thought this might help!

-Happy days to you!