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Training Sadie

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I am training Sadie many different things now, not just sit. I am training her how to Target train, which is when you take an object and a dog follows it. She is doing extremely good I must say. She was wonderful. This behavior also helps her do commands such as sit and lie down. I am also going to teach her how to load into her crate at night, with out having to pull or tug at her collar. She is acting much better, all I have to do to make her sit is swing the pencil up- she obeys and sits!

Thats all I had to say, commet or give feedback below. Also read my other blogs!



=) You're having a lot of fun training! haha

Just my opinion but with sit, down, come and heel I prefer free shaping. This is when you don't show any cues and capture the behavior when the dog does it naturally so the dog will be able to generalize (from Clicker Training for Obedience by Morgan Spector , the books on the website)

The targeting is something that needs to be faded out and I think its easier to just free shape and fade the clicker. =)

Just a thought!

Happy days!