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Fresh Start

Filed in - Fresh start

I started training my labradoodle againg today. (Her names Sadie) We uploaded a book on the computer about training Labradoodles. Right now we are STILL trying to teach her how to sit- but hey! we are off to a good start!

Yesterday, we got Sadie a harnest. She chewed through it in 10 mintes!

Commet if you have any advice on what type of collar or leash to get her. Thanks!


I don't think the cue "stay" is necessary. Sit should mean "sit until I release you" (refering to clicker training for obedience by morgan spector) the book is on this webiste

A good leather leash/collar should suffice but keep the collar high up on the neck (what show dog handlers do) except dont pull up. The dog wont be able to bite/chew/mutilate the leash. And the collar being that high won't choke the dog or cause discomfort.

=) my friend's dog was the master at chewing through leashes and yes collars. We don't even know how that happens and this worked out

happy days~


NayNay's picture

Just adding on...

Get a 6ft leash instead of a 4ft, you will have better control with a 6ft.

Harnesses, collars, and leashes

Remember that a harness is a tool that you only put on Sadie when you are going to walk and when you can keep an eye on her so that if she starts to chew on it you can distract her. As she gets older she may outgrow this. Be sure the harness fits properly and is not too tight. I like a regular leather collar for my dogs. Measure her neck and then add 1-2 inches for a buckle collar. If Sadie pulls I would not use a nylon snap-buckle collar since my experience with those is that a strong puller can break the buckle. As far as leashes, a good leather leash will probably be better on your hands if she pulls. You want her to wear it only when you can keep an eye on her or she will chew through it and they can be expensive. If you take good care of it you may use it for several dogs in your lifetime. You might try 'Bitter Apple' on Sadie's leash and harness because it makes them taste bad to many dogs.