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New to Clicker Training and Getting New Puppies

I am getting two Chinese Crested puppies at the end June and I would like to clicker train them and have purchased the puppy training kit but I have some questions that perhaps those of you who are more experienced might be able to answer for me. Should I work with both puppies together or individually? Probably one at a time at first I bet. When you start with clicker training, does that mean for the rest of the dog's life you have to use a clicker with them for them to behave? Will there come a day when the clicker is not needed? Just curious as to how this all works. Any other suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. I have had dogs before that were well behaved and I have worked with trainers in the past as my previous dogs were Rottweilers and Bullmastiffs, but now I'm taking on a very small breed. Thanks so much in advance for you thoughts.


First: Congratz on the puppies! Are they the powderpuffs?


I suggest you read Clicker Training for Obedience, for it thoroughly explains all your questions. Great book, love it and still read it everyday =) It can be found on this website :D


Yes you should train them separately. But if one catches on earlier than the other one then you can have the puppy watch. Dogs learn through imitations too haha (doggie see, doggie do)


And everyone here just took the words out of my mouth on your other questions =)

happy days!

Laurie Luck's picture

New to Clicker Training and Getting New Puppies

Hi Chroshak,

Congratulations to you on your new pups! It's exciting to teach a puppy with clicker training - they're like little sponges, soaking in everything you can teach them. It's wicked-fun!

Your puppy training kit should have all the answers you need, but here are some quick ones for you.

Yes, you should train your pups separately.

No, you don't need to click forever. Here's a link to a really good resource explaining why: http://www.clickertraining.com/node/319. Here's a quick little excerpt from that:

Do I have to continue clicking and treating forever?

  • No. Clicker training is used to teach/learn new behaviors. Once the behavior is learned, the clicker isn't needed any more for that behavior—although praise and treats will always be appreciated. Whenever you want to train a new behavior, or fine-tune an old one, use the clicker.

You'll have so much fun with your new pups! Please share your progress here!

Laurie Luck
For Clickertraining.com
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
See my profile and contact information at

beginner clicker training

In the beginning and any time you are teaching a new behavior you should work with the dogs individually. The clicker is merely a marker that teaches a dog the correct behavior, you can positively reward your puppies at any time with food, praise, play. As a dog learns a behavior, you can mix it up what you use as a reward, because the clicker is such a clear marker of exactly what I want, then I use it any time I am teaching a new behavior, but I constantly re-inforce any behaviors I like.