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Karen Pryor Appointed to American Humane Association’s Animal Behavior and Training Advisory Committee

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Waltham, MA, June 7, 2010 – As a leading opinion leader in the field of animal behavior and training, Karen Pryor, CEO of Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT), has been appointed to the American Humane Association’s Animal Behavior and Training Advisory Committee.

“American Humane is pleased that Karen Pryor has joined our Animal Behavior and Training Committee,” said George Casey, interim president and CEO of American Humane. “We deeply value her expertise in matters associated with improving the relationship of pet owners and their companion animals. Our advisory committee will serve a key role in setting the direction of American Humane’s focus and programs.”

A pioneer in ethology and behavior and the leading spokesperson for clicker training, Karen has been at the forefront of humane, science-based training for decades. Through her work with dolphins in the 1960s, she developed modern, force-free animal training methods and has since changed the lives of countless animals and their caretakers at zoos, oceanariums, and pet owning households.  Karen is the author of numerous books, including Lads Before the Wind and Don’t Shoot the Dog, the bible of training with reinforcement. Her most recent book, Reaching the Animal Mind (paperback in June of 2010) is about how to bring out the undiscovered creativity, intelligence, and personality of the animals in our lives.

As a member of the Advisory Committee, Pryor will contribute to:

  • Overseeing and providing guidance for an upcoming National Pet Dog Training Summit.
  • Providing content and editorial advice and oversight for the American Humane Animal Behavior and Resources Institute Online.
  • Providing advice, direction, oversight and guidance related to ongoing objectives for American Humane’s Human-Animal Interactions programs that are consistent with the topics of animal behavior and training.
  • Developing the principles and position statements to be adopted by American Humane.

About KPCT

Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT) is a leader in the field of animal training and a recognized world leader in the science and application of marker-based positive reinforcement, or what is often called "clicker training." KPCT operates Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior, the ClickerExpo educational conferences, and its popular website, clickertraining.com. Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partners hold classes and work with pet owners and their dogs at over 135 locations across the globe.


Julie Gordon
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)
49 River Street #3
Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: 800-47-CLICK
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