Home » jumping and biting


Filed in - jumping and biting

Our dog Jack always jumps and bites my daughter. He does not do that with me. We are trying the clicker and treat when he doesn't jump and bite but as soon as he knows the food is gone he goes after my daughter and bites her.

suggestions needed

How do we get Jack to stop biting my daughter. She stands still be he keeps jumping on her and biting her. She is starting to not like Jack and wants to get rid of him. I need some suggestions to help Jack not bite.

NayNay's picture


Now, there are a ton of different ways to solve this problem

If it were me, I would have my daughter work with Jack on sitting. If he doesn't already know how to sit, then show her how to teach him. This way, whenever he even starts to jump she can say sit. A dog cannot sit and jump and bite at the same time, and siting gets a reward. Therefore the sitting behavior increases and the jumping behavior decreases.

Clicking and treating when Jack is on all fours is also a good way to go about it. However, you have to be really careful. If you click and treat when Jack has stopped jumping and then he jumps again so you click again right after he jumps. What are you training? You are actually training jumping.

If you want to train this way, thats perfectly fine. Just make sure you are rewarding the right thing. Click and treat for not jumping, and then click and treat for staying on the ground. Click and treat for making the decision not to jump. For example, if you see the muscle movement that he is about to jump, but then stops. Perfect time to click and treat.

Good luck, let us know how it goes,
