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I have heard about clicker training cats. It sounds really neat, but I was wondering- what tricks to they learn? Are there any that are actually productive?


NayNay's picture

A lot of things

Cats are very intelligent, and when you find the right motivator, can be taught a variety of behaviors whether they are actually 'useful' or not.

They can learn things just like a dog






Other things too. Think of something that would be useful to teach your cat... does your cat have any behavior problems? Maybe scratching at your legs? There is a video on youtube of a cat that did that and the process of which the cat parent taught their kitten to not scratch and bite at their feet


littledoginabigworld's picture

Hi, what I have worked with my cat on is calmness while getting her nails clipped. It used to be two person nightmare with the people and cat walking away frustrated and mad. Now it's still a two person job but at least we all end up less stressed at the end. I clicked her for sniffing the clippers, for letting me move the clippers near her etc until we actually got a few nails clipped. While we clipped one of us clicked, so she knew she was doing good. Very different than my old bribe attempts where she tried to take the treat and take off. She knew this time why she was getting the treats! Also coming when called is very nice to have.