Tyson my puppy

Filed in

I have just retired and acquired a puppy. I have waited for this for a couple of years. I dont have a fenced in yard so I do a lot of walking which would have been a hardship while working.

Tyson is a small lab mix. His mother was a small lab mix, about 25 to 30 pounds. Tyson is a very cool puppy. He has only had 2 accidents and both were my fault. His first accident, I had my coat and and went back for my hat and voila, a puddle. The second time, he went to the door and whined but i didnt see him but my husband did and didnt understand the request to go out. Tyson is being trained to pee and poop in a side yard and doing well considering he has only been with us a week and he is only 15 weeks old.

I am new to clicker training. I am associating Tyson to the clicker and teaching sit. At first he ignored my treats but I am using whisker lickings and pounce and he really loves these. He is pretty smart, he just need me to get more training. I have a lot of studying to do.

Oh, I have 2 cats. One is pretty snooty and the younger one is very friendly so I think that eventually Squirt, the younger will get along and Aretha, the older one will just tolerate. Right now, they are getting close to him but striking out at Tyson sometimes.


vi assistance dogs's picture

Yes, training US is the hardest part! LOL! There are many resources out there to help you.

Check out www.clickersolutions.com for articles and the accompanying yahoo discussion group.

Lots of great videos on this site and youtube as well.