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I am starting a team of oxen.  i am not sure of the best way to get then to lead which is essentially 'heeling" off lead.  i can get them to move to a target stic.  however, when i click they stop moving and wait for the treat.  I need them to keep moving  for an extended period of time. any thoughts.  Thank you

vi assistance dogs's picture

Firstly, are you asking for

Firstly, are you asking for any distance right now? If not, start asking for them to lean towards the target. Ct. Then lift one paw in the lean toward the target. Ct. Then take a small step toward the target. Ct Then two, three etc. The click always ends the behavior and they should return to you for the reward (unless you move to them).

Keep asking for more distance (throwing in the odd shorter distance to kkep them guessing and motivaed so it isn't always getting harder. Use the 'mode' method of increasing numbers- in the number of steps, for example:

3,4,2,5,3,2,4,3,4,3,3,2. The mode would be htree as it si the most often occuring number.


The next training session.


When they are moving longer distacens, say about 5 steps or more, add a cue that means 'walk' (verbal or hand or whaterver works for oxen). As long as the word is paired as they are moving, they will associate it and learn it means move. You can either repeat the walk cue before they stop, then fade it or add a keep going signal that means keep doing this thing until I cue you otherwise.

Remember to break everything down into small enough steps that they succeed at least 50% of the time.

Good luck!