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Clicking Training for Obedience: Reviews

While I have read all the great reviews, this book still managed to exceed my high expectations. "Clicker Training for Obedience" provides clear, concise instructions. If you are even remotely interested in clicker training, you MUST buy this book. I have seen not only great success with my dog, but also a dog that looks forward to training. I cannot say enough good things about the "Clicker Training for Obedience."

I live with and train Smooth Fox Terriers, considered by many to be one of the hardest breeds to train in obedience. Since I started using the methods suggested in this book, I've had tremendous success with my dogs.

My oldest male, who earned his CD during my pre clicker training period, after much hard, frustrating work, learned "go out, sit" in 3 short, fun, easy lessons. And, he learned to love to retrieve his dumb bell, finding what others call the "forced retrieve" to be one of his favorite games. And, that is the key. Having fun while learning.

If you would like to purchase this book click here!
Or you can purchase an eBook version here!

The dog who has fun learning a behavior will carry that behavior over into daily life, and, for me and my dogs, Clicker Training for Obedience is helping us achieve just that. It helped me create a training program that is fun for us all.

The presentation of each segment for training a behavior is such that a trainer new to training can follow along and achieve success.

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in having a happy, well trained dog. Not just for competition, but for daily life as well.

"I trained dogs for twelve years before I threw away my choke chains and grabbed a clicker. Wow! does this book make it plain and simple! My clients love learning a method that doesn't require them to force their dog into compliance, and I always recommend this book. It's earned a permanent spot on my shelf!"

"I read this book and suddenly my already wonderful dog is an amazing intelligent super dog! He's been transformed with clicker training! This book was step by step easy to follow and understand!"

"FANTASTIC! Clear and easy to understand with great photos & illustrations to help you visualize what the author is saying. A big book, full of information, well worth the price."

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