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Clicking Training for Obedience: Morgan Spector

Shaping top performance positively!


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In this breakthrough book, Morgan Spector shows you how and why to use clicker training, the technology of operant conditioning and positive reinforcement, to train your dog. Whether you're starting off with a new puppy or headed for the Obedience ring, these step-by-step instructions will work for you. Morgan answers all the familiar questions about clicker training: "Why can't I just use my voice?" "What if the dog doesn't obey?" "When can I get rid of the food?"

He also shows you how to use clicker training, not just to solve problems, but to avoid them in the first place. You'll learn how you can use positive reinforcers, instead of force and punishment, to build reliable performance at every level of training. If you want a hassle-free, truly enjoyable companion dog, this book will show you how. If you have visions of going all the way to top scores and Obedience championships--with a happy, eager, positively trained canine partner--go for it! Here's your travel guide for a wonderful journey.

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