Want to help, but don't know how

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I am reading Karen Pryor's "Reaching Animal Mind" for the second time right now, I absolutely love it! I have also read "Don't shoot the dog" before. I love the idea of operant conditioning and clicker training so much! My dog used to be an idle couch-potato, now he's an alert dog willing to communicate with me. This is definitely an effect which can't be accomplished with traditional training. We are currently having fun learning how to pull rope!

I'm most amazed how clicker training enables to communicate with animals. What clicker training can do to improve life in zoos is wonderful. I would like to introduce clicker training to zoos in my country Estonia, but I don't know how, as I am not an experienced clicker trainer with papers proving my skills. Nobody would let a 20-year-old girl with no experience near wild animals! I love animals so much, but to be frank, my experiences so far are to make a duck "quack" to get pieces of bread.

I'm currently an undergraduate student in Tartu University, studying ecology and protection of biota. I hope that after graduating I can get a job in my field and somehow introduce clicker training to make managing wild animals easier.

So here I am with a yellow clicker and head full of ideas to help clicker change the world, not knowing when or where to start.

Get more experience

Good for you! Maybe if you get more experience so that you can demonstrate what is possible. I find that demonstrations definitely make an impression!