Home » Click to Win: Clicker Training for the Show Ring

Click to Win: Table of Contents

Collected Columns from the AKC Gazette

Foreword   vii
Introduction   xi
Chapter 1: Shaping for the Show Ring 1
How to "shape" your show dog into a winner with a click and a treat
Chapter 2: Best Foot Forward 5
How to improving your dog's gait for the show ring with a click and a treat
Chapter 3: Like a Ship in Full Sail 9
Clicker train your dog to travel in an extended trot to improve its performance in the ring
Chapter 4: Little Dogs Win Big 15
Shaping small dogs into show-stopping specials
Chapter 5: Perfecting the Self-Stack 19
Clicker train your dog to stack itself perfectly in the show ring
Chapter 6: When the Judge Isn't Looking 25
Games to play while waiting your turn in the ring
Chapter 7: Looking Good without Bait 29
Behavioral tips for helping dogs look their best in the ring
Chapter 8: Clicking According to AKC Rules 33
How current obedience rules about training dogs on show grounds can help both dogs and exhibitors
Chapter 9: The "Keep Going" Signal 37
If the click ends the behavior, how do you keep the behavior going?
Chapter 10: Changing the World, 43
One Click at a Time, Part 1 A master-class clicker training adventure
Chapter 11: Changing the World, 49
One Click at a Time, Part 2 Inventive clicker training can lead to success in many training areas
Chapter 12: Changing the World, 55
One Click at a Time, Part 3 Cues as clicks, and the final results
Chapter 13: Beggar's Holiday 59
Training you dog to take a permanent vacation from begging will help it grow up
Chapter 14: Alternatives to the Clicker 63
A clicker is not the only device that works effectively as a marker
Chapter 15: What the Click Isn't 67
Common misuses of the clicker that can weaken the effectiveness of training
Chapter 16: The Clicker Litter 71
Early clicker training will improve your puppies' chances of getting along in the world
Appendices   75
A Fifteen Tips for Successful Clicker Training
B The Ten Laws of Shaping
C About Target Training
D Eight Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted Behavior
Resources   91
Photo Credits 95
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