Home » Clicking with Your Dog: Step-by-Step

About Peggy Tillman

Peggy Tillman has had an extraordinary career, with her husband Barry Tillman, as one of the pioneers in the science of ergonomics: designing machines and environments so that they fit, physically and behaviorally, with human beings. They have authored two leading texts in the field, handbooks liberally laced with Peggy Tillman's computer drawings. Peggy's drawings-behaviorally sensitive, often truly beautiful, and always highly informative-are the heart of Clicking with your Dog.

Peggy Tillman also worked for many years as an elementary school teacher. She discovered clicker training when she acquired her standard poodle, Charles. Clicker work fit exactly with her concept of how children should be treated: fairly, and with lots of opportunities to succeed. Charles endorsed the clicker approach. Peggy went on to teach classes to many, many pet owners, and in the process evolved her own visual instructional material. This book is the happy result.

The Tillmans and Charles live on an island in Puget Sound, near Seattle. Peggy Tillman may be reached at hfengineering [at] prodigy [dot] net

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