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Introducing: Clicker+

Filed in - Clicker+

Pick your click! Four field-tested and digitally optimized "click" sounds



Digital sound! Always consistent and uniform for enhanced recognition.

Switch between any two sounds instantly. Set "cue & click" combinations.

"Indoor" and "outdoor" volume settings. The right sound level at the right time.

Faststrapâ„¢ Instant access from the secure, adjustable finger strap yields improved timing and better results.

Multi-pet households! Train two pets simultaneously with a distinct click for each.

Teachers! Choose a unique click for the students to mark good technique such as proper timing, positioning, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Clicker+ is the first clicker to provide digitally produced sound, multiple "click" sounds, and two volume settings. The Clicker+ also features a unique Faststrap system that enables instant access to your clicker.

  1. Are digitally produced sounds important?
  2. Are the additional new click sounds of the Clicker+ just as effective as the traditional "click"?
  3. When do I use the indoor outdoor/volume settings?
  4. Why does the Clicker+ feature additional sounds as "clicks"?
  5. How do I hold the Clicker+?
  6. Can the Clicker+ improve how I teach others?

Instructional Videos

Quick Start Guide

Teaching and Training Guide


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