Emma Parsons, canine aggression expert, tells agility enthusiasts how to put clicker training to work to calm and focus their dogs during competition in Clean Run magazine: "When Excited Becomes Rude" (PDF).
Emma Parsons, a canine behavior training consultant and Training Director for Karen Pryor Clickertraining, is the author of Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog. Emma offers Click to Calm seminars around the world and is a longtime ClickerExpo faculty member.
Emma's work began when Ben, her golden retriever, became severely dog-on-dog aggressive, Emma turned to clicker training and successfully eliminated the behavior. She has since healed hundreds of her clients' aggressive dogs with the same all-positive methods.
Emma has been featured on the following television stations: Boston Neighborhood Network, WB56, and New England Cable News, discussing how to manage and reduce canine aggression. Emma has also taught clicker training classes in conjunction with Tufts Veterinary School of Medicine and Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue. Emma is a member of The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors, The Association of Pet Dog Trainers, The Heritage Trail Keeshond Club, The New England Dog Training Club, Massachusetts Animal Coalition, and the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners.
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