Home » Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog

Host a Click to Calm Workshop!

"A breath of fresh air. Emma Parsons's use of positive reinforcement to deal with a problem that is normally approached with punishment is more than theory; she presents practical applications gained through years of experience. Anyone who deals with aggression in dogs may learn a great deal from her."
—Ken Ramirez, VP marine mammal programs and animal training, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago

Attention Clubs and Training Schools!

Click to Calm workshops with Emma Parsons

If you are a trainer, a club, or training school we wanted to let you know that you can book a Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog workshop with Emma Parsons.

Learn a path-breaking, effective approach from someone who's been there.

When Emma Parsons, canine trainer and behavior consultant, discovered that Ben, her own prized golden retriever, was aggressive toward other dogs and that traditional remedies took his reactivity to nightmarish levels, she turned to clicker training.

In the process, Emma developed innovative and highly effective strategies to calm, alter, and re-shape Ben's aggressive displays. Her work has since helped many clients successfully reduce—and even erase—their dogs' reactivity to both dogs and humans.

Work with Emma Parsons in a Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog workshop.

Emma's workshops are brilliant experiences, offering you help with your reactive or aggressive dog. In Emma's two day learning session; you will practice proven recipes to:

I want to host a Click to Calm workshop with Emma Parsons!
ctc_seminars [at] clickertraining [dot] com (Tell me more!)

Dates are limited and must be on a weekend.
  • Desensitize your dog to approaching stranger dogs
  • Allow you to grab your dog's collar without him snapping
  • Have your dog perform canine calming signals, instead of aggressive displays, on cue
  • Have your dog turn and give you eye contact whenever another dog approaches, or you tighten on the leash
  • Use your own body language when under stress as a cue for your dog to remain calm
  • And many more creative and effective uses of managing behavior through clicker training

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