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Exercising an Active Dog, Right at Home

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Here's a quick clicker trick that gives dogs a lot of exercise without wearing out a person—useful when an owner's mobility is impaired, or if you're short on recreational space. Also useful for shelters and kennels.

Playing chase

With a line on a pole, and a lure (such as a fluttering strip of cloth) attached to the line, you can create an easy-to-chase object. A lunge whip, used to guide horses in circles, works well. Click and treat the dog for following the lure back and forth, and then in circles (some dogs will chase the lure without any help). Stop at once if the dog grabs the lure; the aim is to enjoy and get paid for the chase, not to get into a tug-of-war. Practice with small dogs or with cats until you can control the lure's pace and movement. With a little skill, you can run a big strong dog in circles and figure eights until it is breathless. With this game, you both have fun and the dog will be calmer and happier.

It's great

My dog has a strong drive and absolutely loves this item.  He broke the first one and I had to buy another one.  The ony thing I don't like is that my lawn is torn up by him chasing it but I guess if it is between having grass and his exercise, the dog wins!!


Sounds fun!

Sounds fun!

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