The Clicker Puppy DVD has been nominated for the Dog Training Excellence 2005 award and the Innovation Award 2005 by the International Positive Dog Training Association. This is awarded based on votes from peers. It would be great chance for media exposure for clicker training if the DVD were to win this award. To see the list of nominees go to To vote for Clicker Puppy you can send an e-mail to: 2puppypower [at] rogers [dot] com ( 2puppypower [at] rogers [dot] com) with your name, address, and phone number, saying that you wish to vote for Clicker Puppy for Dog Training Excellence 2005 award and Innovation Award 2005. The deadline for votes is August 31. Thanks!
Clicker Puppy needs your help!
By Miranda Hersey Helin on 08/25/2005