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I'm Clicking in the Rain...Just Clicking in the Rain

Filed in - Dogs

In New England, the sun finally began to show up just before dusk on Tuesday, after 5 days of heavy, soaking rains.

Some people can't stand being out in the rain. My neighbors are lovely, intelligent people with a delightfully rambunctious Portuguese water dog that, due to the torrential downpours and their dislike of rainy walks, hadn't been out much.

Their PWD came over to our yard last night to visit with Tucker, my Lab, and release some of that energy. The PWD had a lot of pent-up energy. Tucker was much calmer. Not only had Tucker gone for his walks during the rainy spell, albeit foreshortened (he loves the rain), but these shortened jaunts were supplemented by fun clicker teaching sessions.

When you can't or won't walk your dog or you are just stuck inside, try teaching your dog something new. Clicker training your dog is in fact good exercise. If your dog is thinking, he's working—and if he's working, he'll need a wee bit of a well-deserved nap when you're done. So the next time it's pouring outside, take the time that you would have spent walking to teach your dog something new, innovative, and fun. Your dog will get some much-needed exercise and you may turn an otherwise dreary day into a delightfully memorable one.

About the author
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Aaron Clayton is President of Karen Pryor Clicker Training and TAGteach International, and a member of the ClickerExpo Faculty.