Clicker Training Community Blog

Welcome to the KPCT blog, a collection of all things relevant to our clicker training community. Browse the news items and tidbits of interest — and post your own comments, if so moved. The blog changes frequently, so come back often!

Five Essential Elements that Give ClickerExpo its Soul

If you know of ClickerExpo, you know it’s supposed t

Five Reasons Why ClickerExpo Is for Horse Trainers, Too

Calling all horse trainers!

Interview with ClickerExpo Faculty Member Alexandra Kurland

Alexandra Kurland has been training horses and teaching since the mid 1980s. In the early 1990s, after reading Karen Pryor’s Don’t Shoot the Dog, Alexandra headed out to the barn with a clicker and a pocket full of treats to see what her horse thought about clicker training.

Training Is My Business: 5 Don’t-Miss Courses at ClickerExpo 2018

When your passion is your business, you have the raw ingredients for a very fulfilling life.