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Karen Pryor Clickertraining Launches In Europe

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Karen Pryor Clickertraining and Ringpress Books, Ltd., announced today the formation of an agreement to market Karen Pryor Clickertraining products in the UK and Europe.

Clicker training is the all-positive animal training technology popularized by Karen Pryor, behavioral scientist, animal trainer, and author.

"Clicker training is remarkable," said Karen Pryor. "It has a created an entirely new level of communication and bond between owners and their pets. It's huge fun for both. We are so pleased that our company now has a relationship with Ringpress Books, a distinguished and successful publisher of animal titles in the UK. This partnership will really help spread the word."

Ringpress will launch its European marketing campaign at Crufts this March with the newly released title, Clicker Training For Dogs, by Karen Pryor.

"We are tremendously excited," said Nick Kent, publishing director of Ringpress. "Karen's methods have revolutionized animal training. It's our goal to have the knowledge in the hands of every single pet owner in Europe."

Karen Pryor will be in Europe for the product launch at Crufts and a two-week tour of demonstrations, training sessions and media stops.

For more information contact Sarah Williams at Ringpress, email swilliams [at] ringpress [dot] co [dot] uk UK telephone 0044 (0)1594 844677

or pr [at] clickertraining [dot] com US telephone: 1-800-47-CLICK 0r 781-398-0754

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