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ClickerExpo is Going Hollywood!

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Next conference January 26-28, 2007

Karen Pryor Clickertraining announces the new season of ClickerExpo, starting off with style in sunny Los Angeles, CA, January 26-28, 2007. This "must-be-there" event for positive animal trainers and enthusiasts will take place over three days at the beautiful Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills, CA.

The new ClickerExpo program will be announced in the coming months, and registration will open over the summer, but mark your calendar now!

The global HQ of the movie industry is the perfect location for the newest addition to the ClickerExpo marquis: the Canis Film Festival. Positive trainers everywhere are encouraged to capture their training expertise on film and enter to win prizes and/or a distribution contract in a variety of categories. Plus, you can join us for "Dinner and a Movie" night at ClickerExpo, where we will show entries from the Canis Film Festival and announce the winners. After all,it's Los Angeles, baby. The film submission period begins in June, 2007. For details, visit www.canisfilmfestival.com.

Hear the free, inspiring audio cast from our expert panel discussion.

View photo montages from ClickerExpo Newport: dogs and people.

Improving. Learning. Practicing. Sharing. That's what good trainers do. That's the philosophy behind ClickerExpo, the highly acclaimed conference for animal enthusiasts and professional trainers from around the world. Taught by an exceptional, hand-chosen faculty, ClickerExpo offers 50 sessions over three days. With stimulating multimedia presentations and interactive, hands-on workshops, the program offers an engaging learning experience for the novice pet owner to the experienced teacher. Sharpen your training and teaching skills, stay on the leading edge of clicker training techniques and research, and socialize with like-minded individuals. Come with or without your dog.

The goal of ClickerExpo is to provide a program that teaches people the power of clicker training in ways that completely inspire them and enrich their lives. So many past ClickerExpo attendees say that ClickerExpo has done just that: it's had a huge, positive impact on their training success, their teaching methods, and their relationships with their animals and even with the world around them. See why 100% of ClickerExpo attendees who responded said that we met their expectations, exceeded their expectations, or gave them a "wow" experience! Read recent reviews.

Stay tuned to see our exciting new program for 2007. (The spring ClickerExpo, targeted for late March, will be announced as soon as the location is finalized.) We'll be building on the success of our Learning Labs—the hands-on sessions where concepts taught and demonstrated by the ClickerExpo faculty throughout the conference can be practiced by attendees in structured sessions, under the experienced eyes of faculty. Learning Labs are part of the never-ending process of further enriching the educational experience at ClickerExpo. And you can earn over 20 CPDT CEU credits and 15 IAABC CEU credits.

We hope you'll join us!
ClickerExpo Los Angeles
January 26-28, 2007
Registration begins this summer

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