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Clicker Training For Horses: Liberty's Story

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----- Original Message -----
From: Hope
To: Karen Pryor
Subject: Re: Liberty

Hello Karen,

Liberty was born here to an Arab mare named Sky that I got for $300. Sky was an abuse victem. She was beautiful, and only 10, but she was unbroke, and unmanagable, terrified of people, and bred. By the time Liberty was born, I could manage Sky well enough to do foot care, etc, but I was then in the midst of a terrible divorce, and didn't do much more than toss feed to the horses during that time. Incidentally she adopted her dams attitude of dislike and disdain for people, but not the fear. When she was about 6 months old, I started attempting to create a relationship with her. And I did, unfortunately it wasn't a good one. She was completely out of control, and although it burns my pride to say so, I was afraid of her.

One afternoon after spending some time out there and getting bitten, and threatened by the trollette, I came in and told my (now) husband, "That's it, I am hauling them both to the auction...I don't care if I only get $50."

A few days later, I happened to read an article about Alexandra, and clicker training. Just from the small amount of information I had from the article, I went out and began clicker training Liberty. In three days, to my surprise and delight I could halter her safely. In two weeks, I didn't need a halter to control her. In the beginning my goal was to get a halter on her so I could haul her to the auction. After two weeks, I was so excited about her that I didn't want to haul her away.

Now two years later, she is the star of our herd. She is still a prima donna, certain in her own mind that she is the princess of Central Oregon, but she is an absolute delight. And her mother, who proved to take a little more persistence than Libby, is now my beginners horse. I'll attach a picture of me riding her just for fun.

By the way, after the first three days, I ordered Alexandra's book, and have since shared clicker training with numerous people. (One of them being the adoptee of a 4 year old Mustang, I will also include a picture of him. The picture was taken after only two weeks of clicker training.)


About the author
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Karen Pryor is the founder and CEO of Karen Pryor Clicker Training and Karen Pryor Academy. She is the author of many books, including Don't Shoot the Dog and Reaching the Animal Mind. Learn more about Karen Pryor or read Karen's Letters online.

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