Anybody feel a draft?

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So Laev has figured out that if she leaps up at the front door, she can operate the thumb latch and push the door open, letting herself inside. This would be merely annoying except winter is starting here, and it's supposed to snow soon. I wonder if I can train her to shut the door behind her.... /grin/

Sanja Miklin's picture

born to open dors/ovens/everything else

In the past year, me and my family learned a very important lesson that made our lives with Reeva possible: always, LWAYS lock the door.
She can open doors with normal knobs, with round knobs, she even opened an oven once (and ate a bit of a cake inside, luckily, it wasn't hot...But i think she managed to do it because the oven was slightly opened - so cake would get cold faster). So, rule is - lock the door. Even if you think she won't opent them, she will. You have to love those smart dogs...

Sanja Miklin


LPC UWC, Hong Kong