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Clicker training in Europe, Asia....?

Filed in - clicker expo - seminars - Europe

Although, clicker training is getting more and more worldwide, for me it's still mostly US thing, mainly because, well it is mostly in US. Seminars, Clicker Expo's, Bunch of trainers and training classes and training schools and everything, is in US.

I'm not sure about the situation in Western Europe, but coming from Eastern Europe, I know that it's not that good. There are very few clicker trainers in Croatia, they learnt mostly from books and by trial and error I guess. I put Asia in the title too cause I'm in Hong Kong now, have problems finding place where I can buy clickers (I can at least do that back home).

I find this to be a problem cause I want to know more, see more, experience more. I mean, internet is a nice thing, you can ask questions and discuss with people, but for me, it's far from enough). And like always, the money is the problem. Traveling to US to a seminar, is of course, expensive. but not just that, just buying books and videos that are currently the best source of information I can get (apart from dogs I'm working with) isn't cheap and is very complicated for me since my mother is very skeptical about credit cards and internet. different living standards in US and Croatia also play a role in everything, shipping costs and takes a long time.

But this is not about me, something like 'how hard was it for Sanja to get what she has now' cause it's not really important and looking back it wasn't that hard, I mean, the books and everything (although I have to figure out how will I place my next order at Dogwise – they are not even delivering to Croatia -...or my first one at Clickertraining.com). But number of seminars is, well, kinnda low and there's nothing I can do about it. And yes, I envy very much people living in more dog-developed countries.

So, I guess question is: when will clicker training get a bit more global. It would be cool to have clickertraining.co.uk for example maybe European clicker expo....And please if someone knows about good seminars/whatever in Europe, preferably not in UK, Switzerland and Northern European countries because they are sooo expensive, notify me, I would be very grateful. Same with areas close to HK...

Bill Peña's picture

We're trying! Clicker training in Taiwan

Hi Sanja,

We're trying! We sent Virginia Broitman and Sherri Lippman to Taiwan recently, to great success. You can read the whole story here:


You can also see them interviewed on Taiwanese TV here:


oxysback's picture

Hi Sanja, I don't have an

Hi Sanja,

I don't have an answer to your question, but I do know that the more people are educated the better things will get.

(Thanks for commenting on my blog, btw!! I've been following yours, too!)

Ellen & Frankie