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Clickin' the Pug, vol. 14

Filed in - pugs - clicker training

Not much to report on training for today because we didn't do any! I put Frankie's dinner down and she kind of looked at me funny and came to sit by me on the couch. After the program I was watching finished, I was going to pick up the food and start a session, but she promptly jumped down and started chowing down.

Oh, and I must be more worried about the obedience class than I think I am because I dreamt about it all night. I don't remember if it was bad or not, so that was weird.

In other news, well, it seems like one parent can ruin everything. Potentially, anyway. Bear with me while I rant a bit...

I did the positive reinforcement with treats again during singing time, making sure I had stickers and pencils for those that would rather not have a hershey kiss. The one kid that I brought them for declined them! He was very polite, which was fine with me, because there were some other kids that chose a pencil, but what took the cake was the one kid pointing his finger at me saying, "My mom is going to call and complain because candy is bad for you. It'll rot your teeth!" So I guess the people in charge of the sunday school program will get a call. I'm not really worried, because I told them about this before I did it and they were all for the idea. It just irks me that I'm not the only one offering treats to the kids (the sunday school teachers bring candy and cookies for the kids, too), but aparently two hershey kisses is just WAY OVER THE TOP.


[end rant]

So, I hope your Sunday was as good as mine was. At least I got a good nap while listening to the rain fall outside.

That's all for now!

Ellen & Frankie

trainer@caninesinaction.com's picture

R+ in SS

Tell this darling little child and his mother that dark chocolate can actually help prevent the development of dental plaque. That's what I learned at the dentist's yesterday. :-) In the meantime, I think alternative reinforcers are great. Too bad that you haven't found the right reinforcer for that particular child yet!

Laura &

  • Ascomannis Laevatein YTT RL1 (www.CaninesInAction.blogspot.com, www.clickertraining.com/blog/179)
  • Inky (couch dog)
oxysback's picture

Yay! Yet another excuse to

Yay! Yet another excuse to fuel my love of dark chocolate. I think I'll have some now!

Ellen & Frankie

Good use for a tie!! =-)

I'm sorry you're having troubles with the sweet treats. Our Sunday School hasn't allowed anyone to bring treats for a long time. At first it was viewed as an extremely restrictive rule, but I think folks have adjusted.

I like your tie idea better, anyway. That's terrific. And how fun for the kids! (I'll bet the leader enjoyed himself, too.) Now all you need is a whole bunch of variations on that idea. =-D

I'll bet you and Frankie do just fine in the obedience class. Maybe next time you'll dream about it and remember that in the dream, Frankie out performed everybody else. =-)

Good Luck!