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Don't Shoot the Dog Audiobook

Karen Pryor Named "Best and Brightest" by Bark Magazine

Waltham, MA, January 11, 2010—Karen Pryor Clicker Training (KPCT) today announced that Karen Pryor has been named among the “100 Best and Brightest” by Bark Magazine.

Bark’s “Best and Brightest” award honors those whose contributions have helped to reshape the world of dogs and our understanding of it. As a founder and leading proponent of positive reinforcement training, or clicker training, Karen Pryor has brought forth a worldwide movement involving new ways to communicate positively with dogs and other animals. Through her conferences, training academy and best-selling books, including her latest book Reaching the Animal Mind, Karen has changed the lives of countless animals and their caretakers in zoos, shelters, and pet-owning households.

Podcast: Click vs. Voice—an excerpt from ClickerExpo, a preview of Reaching the Animal Mind

This month's podcast is an excerpt from Karen Pryor's lecture Neuroscience and Clicker Training presented at this year's ClickerExpo. During the lecture Karen addresses many topics that she writes about in her new book Reaching the Animal Mind. One of the more popular topics, Click vs. Voice, is addressed in this podcast. Listen to the podcast to hear Karen present her research and results on this topic.

During the podcast Karen references the article by Lindsay Wood, Clicker Bridging Stimulus Efficacy. Click on the title of the article to read an abstract, or to link to the full article.

Don't Shoot the Dog! Audio Excerpt

In this audio excerpt from Don't Shoot the Dog! The New Art of Teaching and Training, Karen Pryor explains the difference between a "command" and a "cue." Do you say "sit" before or after you teach the dog to sit? Is the dog trying to do something, or avoid something? And why do clicker trainers use cues, anyway?

Don't Shoot the Dog! About the Author

Karen Pryor is an author and a scientist with an international reputation in the fields of marine mammal biology and behavioral psychology. Through her work with dolphins in the 1960s , she pioneered modern, force-free animal training methods, and became an authority on applied operant conditioning —the art and science of changing behavior with positive reinforcement. She is a founder and leading proponent of clicker training, a worldwide movement involving new ways to communicate positively with pets and other animals. She is the author of several books, including Nursing Your Baby , a classic book for breastfeeding mothers that has sold over a million copies, and more than 50 scientific papers and popular articles on learning and behavior.

Don't Shoot the Dog! Reviews

"Karen Pryor has been a pioneer ... anyone who wants to be more effective in rearing children, teaching, or managing his or her own behavior will find her book very useful."
—B.F. Skinner