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Blog #5: Clicker training chinchillas

One step forward two steps back. Mr. Darcy has gotten the idea that he should put his (at least) front feet on my shoulder.

Blog #4: Clicker Training my Chinchillas

Tonight went well. I 'went back to kindergarden' with Mr.

Clicker Training Chinchillas

WOW! What a great night for training!

Mr. Bingley is doing so well on the touch cue.

My blog: Clicker training with Chinchillas

Touching my hand is really reliable now. All I have to do is stick my hand out and say 'touch'.

Chinchilla Clicker Train

Right now Bing is target trained. That took about two weeks. But now it is fairly reliable. When I stick out my hand with my palm facing him he touches his nose to it.