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Every Dog Deserves Its Day

Each year, thousands of animals are euthanized because owners reach the end of the leash in trying to correct behavior problems like aggression, reactivity, excessive barking  and destructive

May 16–22, 2010 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week

You probably have heard someone say that his or her dog’s bark is worse than his bite. Maybe you’ve even used those words to describe your own dog’s behavior. Unfortunately, too often the old adage does not hold true. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4.7 million Americans will be bitten by a dog this year, with about half of the victims under the age of 12. While there’s no way to guarantee that you won’t get bitten, or that your dog won’t bite someone else, there are things you can do to reduce the risk.

Dog Debarking? No Way

Like most greyhounds, my 13 year-old greyhound, Sydney, has a quiet, gentle soul. But boy, can she bark! She barks when she wants to go out and she barks when she wants to come in. She barks when she’s happy and she barks when she is bored. I admit, it can be irritating, particularly at 5am when I want to relish that last hour of sleep before my alarm sounds. But would I consider permanently silencing her so that I can get that last hour of sleep? No. So what to do?

Podcast: Kindness First

Listen to Melissa's podcast (available at the bottom of the page) to find out why putting kindness first is a start to improving your behavior. Read the original article here.

Debunking Dominance Theory

Throughout the pet business right now, "dominance theory" is a popular explanation for absolutely anything that happens, from a puppy tugging on your trouser leg to birds flying up instead of down. Conquering "dominance" has become justification for absolutely any punishment people can think up.