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Debunking Dominance Theory

Throughout the pet business right now, "dominance theory" is a popular explanation for absolutely anything that happens, from a puppy tugging on your trouser leg to birds flying up instead of down. Conquering "dominance" has become justification for absolutely any punishment people can think up.

Survival: Why Reinforcement Can Determine if You Live or Die

One thing I can't get out of my own mind after reading Karen Pryor's new book, Reaching the Animal Mind, is the fascinating neuroscience about how the click follows deep physiological, non-cognitive pathways involving the amygdala. Combine this with the "seeker circuit" physiology, and you have a big part of what make the clicker training process so powerful—it's permanent and impossible to resist.

Casey Lomonaco Winner of 2009 APDT Dogwise John Fisher Essay Award

Our very own Casey Lomonaco, Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) Certified Training Partner (CTP) and KPCT contributor, has been awarded the APDT Dogwise John Fisher Essay Award for 2009.

How to Potty Train Your Puppy the Clicker Way

Are you having trouble teaching your puppy (or even your adult dog) appropriate elimination behaviors? Don't despair. There's an excellent chance that your dog can be trained to eliminate appropriately outside of the house—and it will probably be easier than you think!

Clicking in the USA!—Behind the Scenes at Good Morning America

The car picks us up at 5:30 a.m. and brings us to the studio in Times Square, where we enter via a side door. We feel very VIP-ish. A great gleaming silver freight-size elevator takes us to the studio and to our ready room. KP makes sure that Mia—our demo dog from the New York Humane Society (who arrives separately)—does not see us or stay with us. Karen does not want to get Mia all excited ("Look, the lady with the hot dogs!"). We know it’s going to be a long morning for us and for Mia.