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Overshadowing/Blocking Cue

I am been reading a few books on dog traing and clicker training and have realized that I have been overshadowing some cues. 

It's Really Almost Never the Dog's Fault, Is It?

It's a good thing our dogs don't write tell-all books....

1 click, on cue.

Did I mention Laev's a one-rep dog? I love the speed of clicker training.

Getting rid of the behavior by putting it on cue?

If one of the ways to get rid of the unwanted behavior is to put it on cue, i.e. when you put a behavior on cue it's not supposed to occur unless you give a cue, how come my dog still sits and lies down?

Behaviors on cue - it's a two way street

I guess I normally think of 'opening the door' as the reinforcer.  But in actuallity, I think opening the door is the behavior and 'ringing the bell' truly is the cue.  Of course, we think that animals think this way all the time - but maybe they see a difference too.  I think my parrot, Kilo, gets it.