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Missy's excellent adventure

Missy's excellent adventure

Misha and I are on our usual walk.

April 17 Progress Report

The past five days Mandy has made progress each day. She is calming down from her puppy rearing ordeal. Before pups came, Mandy was taking chicken bites from my hand and starting to target to get the chicken. I hoped to get back to this point and begin progressing from there.

Mandy's Rescue and Path to Trust

Rescued German Shepherd dog with history of physical abuse. She started out very nervous, pacing frantically in my presence, using avoidance. In the two weeks time, she graduated to taking food out of my hand while I scratched her chin with the other hand. She was starting to target. Then it all changed. Puppies came on March 3rd. Without going into full detail on what the next 5 weeks held for Mandy and my relationship, I'll tell you that is was one of the most difficult times I have been involved in...

Here we go again - my wonderful new throw-away orphan African Grey Parrot

"I think that bird is just misunderstood", I said.  "Yeah, really misunderstood - like we don't understand why he attacks everyone who comes in the room!", she said.  But that wasn't how he reacted to me.

Sanctuary Uses Clicker Training

New Sanctuary Training Dogs for Adoption