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target stick

Yay, progress!

Yay! Cleo moved a whole 8-12" to get the stick! I'm very excited that she's starting to get what I'm trying to do. She's learning, though she feigns disinterest. :-D I'm very pleased. 

Juneau's Leap of Faith

Juneau makes another overnight jump from terrified to no big deal, showing the power of the clicker and the target stick to break down fear barriers.

Lazing Away an Afternoon

My future mother-in-law questioned why I was training my rabbits. The question does give me pause as well. . . 

Attacking the target-stick

Indications are that Maddie may not be entirely enthused about the new training regimen  . . .


Victory!  Dorcas followed the target stick through the cat crunchy tunnel twice. . .