Be my Valentine? February means Valentine’s Day, a happy time for me as a child. I lived with the principal of our school, Mrs. Sturley, who set up
Managing Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety
Missing you Domesticated dogs naturally prefer the companionship of their humans. It’s one thing to have your dog follow you around the house amiably, however; it’s quite another
Fifteen Tips for Getting Started with the Clicker
Clicker training is a terrific, science-based way to communicate with your pet. You can clicker train any kind of animal, of any age. Puppies love it. Old dogs
How to Teach Your Pet to Target
Picture the possibilities Imagine teaching your dog to put his hind feet—just his hind feet—on a mat. Or, imagine teaching your cat to give a high-five. What if
Meet Your Match: Ten Tips for Choosing a Shelter Dog
There are many dogs in shelters and rescue organizations that will make wonderful lifelong companions. So how do you find the best match for you and your family?
Can Cats and Dogs Be Friends?
What is the natural relationship? “They fight like cats and dogs.” This saying reflects the commonly held belief that dogs and cats just can’t get along because they
How to Use a Snuffle Mat
Does your dog scarf down his food in record time? Do you wish you could slow him down as he eats his meals?Would you like to find a way
5 Steps to Train Your Dog to “Go to Place”
What if instead of jumping around when the doorbell rings, your dog waits politely in a down position? Or, instead of circling the dinner table like a shark,
How to Stop Unwanted Barking
Your barking dog Dogs bark for a number of reasons, some acceptable, some not. Common types of barking include the following: Evaluate the situation When you deal with
How to Put an End to Counter-Surfing
A new trick Many dog guardians complain that their dogs steal food from kitchen counters or even the dinner table. A term was even coined to describe this behavior:
Behavior Management
Dog Training
Guardian Centric
Shelter & Rescue
Skill Development
Working Animals
Muzzles—Not Just for Aggression!
Times are changing For many people, the idea of a muzzle evokes a long-standing association with aggressive dogs. That impression can create feelings of fear and worry when