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Controlled Tug Games: A Novel Reinforcer

Many dogs just love playing tug-of-war games. Of those who don't, most can be taught to play and end up loving it. If a dog loves doing something, what should a clicker trainer do with it? That's right, use it as a powerful reinforcer for other behaviors!

Lawyer Ditches Legal Briefs for Clicker: Meet Morgan Spector

We're proud to announce Morgan Spector as a new member of the outstanding ClickerExpo faculty. Morgan established Best Behavior Dog Training in 1995 to apply clicker training methods to competition obedience training. This work ultimately led to the writing of his popular book, Clicker Training for Obedience. We recently spoke with Morgan about his career and the status of clicker training today.

Clicker Classic: Can Reinforcers Be Too Powerful?

Eddy was hesitating, as I see it, over the possibility that using these very powerful reinforcers could allow you to develop animals that would work long past the humane level. He mentioned pigeons on long schedules that actually crack their beaks, pecking. I don't see that as manipulation or oppression, but as cooperation and delivery beyond the call of duty in a pinch; on a daily basis, I wouldn't ask for that.

Training Your Dog to Lie Down

Q: How do I train my dog to lie down?

The Beginners' Clicker Class

What is a beginner clicker class? Is it an ordinary six-week long basic pet owners' obedience class, with clickers added?

I don't think so.