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Ken Ramirez Joins Karen Pryor Clicker Training

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Waltham, MA, May 28, 2014—Karen Pryor Clicker Training (KPCT) is pleased to announce that renowned trainer and animal behaviorist Ken Ramirez has joined the company as Executive Vice President and Chief Training Officer. Beginning in October of 2014, Ken will help oversee the vision, development, and implementation of training education programs for the organization. 

A 35-year veteran of animal care and training, Ken has spent the last 25 years as the Executive Vice President of Animal Care and Training at Chicago's world-famous Shedd Aquarium. At Shedd, Ken oversees animal care and training for more than 32,000 animals, including whales and dolphins, sharks and turtles, sea horses and jellies, and many more.

Ken is a regular consultant for zoos, oceanariums, and parks around the world. He has held top leadership positions in most of the profession’s associations, including as past president of IMATA (International Marine Animal Trainer’s Association). As part of his leadership, Ken has been involved in the creation of a certification process for animal trainers in zoological settings. He has been featured on television and in the media numerous times, including as host of a popular Australian television series Talk to the Animals. Ken has been on the faculty of KPCT’s ClickerExpo conference since 2005; he also teaches graduate-level courses at Western Illinois University.

“Karen and I are so pleased that Ken will be taking this leadership position in our company,” said KPCT President Aaron Clayton. “Ken’s training has been deeply influenced by Karen, and he exemplifies the force-free teaching and training philosophy and the skills that ground everything we do at Karen Pryor Clicker Training. One of the most sought-after trainers in the world, Ken is respected for his deep understanding of training science, for his prodigious training experience, and for his ability to teach and train effectively. Ken does all of this with humility and compassion on and off the stage, in front of and behind the camera, and on location.”

Ken began his training career working with guide dogs for the visually impaired and has maintained a close connection to dog training ever since. At the Shedd Aquarium, Ken spearheaded the development of a program to rescue dogs from animal shelters and to train and care for them in order to show the public the transformative power of marker-based positive-reinforcement training. Outside of Shedd, Ken’s canine work includes training for search and rescue, guide and service work, scent detection, animal husbandry, and more. 

“I am thrilled to be taking on this new role with Karen Pryor Clicker Training,” said Ken Ramirez. “The company’s mission aligns perfectly with my own philosophy about the importance of positive-reinforcement training in enhancing good animal care and with my desire to see this humane technology spread worldwide.”

About Karen Pryor Clicker Training

Karen Pryor Clicker Training (KPCT) is a leader in the field of animal training and a recognized world leader in the science and application of marker-based positive reinforcement, or what is often call “clicker training.” KPCT operates Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior, the ClickerExpo educational conferences, and its popular website, clickertraining.com. Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partners hold classes and work with pet owners and their dogs at more than135 locations across the globe.

About the author

Julie Gordon is the Content & Communications Manager at Karen Pryor Clicker Training. She oversees editorial development and content management for the company’s websites, and regularly contributes articles and blogs.

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