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Is Clicker Training Right for Me?

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Do you want "something more"?

Do you know what you want out of the time and money you'll spend raising your dog? Most people, at least at first, want their dog only to do what they tell him, when they tell him to do it. Pet owners want an "obedient" dog.

Hand holding paw

It's understandable; a lot of value is placed on obedience in our society. Obedience provides order, prevents chaos, and ensures safety. Until very recently, obedience overwhelmingly defined capable parenting: good children are obedient. And a good dog sits when commanded to sit and stays when commanded to stay.

In fact, we all want obedient dogs. Clicker trained dogs are indeed obedient (we clicker trainers call it reliable behavior on cue).

Yet as the foundation for any relationship between intelligent living things, mere obedience imposes a low, unimaginative threshold.

My "something more"

My household consists of a 79-pound, two-year-old black Lab named Tucker, two elementary school-age kids, their friends, lots of older and younger nieces and nephews, two working parents, and a guinea pig.
When I started raising and training Tucker, I thought about the goals for my life with my dog:

  • I wanted Tucker to be happy and safe in the environment of our home and family and my work.
  • I wanted to enjoy living with Tucker and for him to enjoy living with us.
  • I wanted Tucker to be a rock-solid family dog, a dog whose food bowl you could take away while he's eating and whose tail could be pulled without complaint, a dog who is thrilled but calm when he sees every member of my family, my friends and their dogs, gerbils, or guinea pigs. (I'd made an exception for the neighbor's cat.)
  • I wanted Tucker to wrestle with me!
  • I wanted to be able to take Tucker to lots of new places, to be able to adapt to new environments like friends' houses, new walks, or my children's schools.
  • I wanted him to demonstrate, each day, that he possessed that fine balance between enthusiasm and self-control.

That's what I wanted, and that's what I got. Like every other pet owner, I wanted Tucker to do what I asked of him, but obedience was not the explicit and overarching goal. It was just assumed and, actually, subsumed by this richer vision of my life with this handsome new family member.

In order to achieve these goals with Tucker, I needed an entirely different set of training objectives from those traditionally taught in dog training classes. I needed to teach Tucker self-control, to desensitize him to all kinds of touch, to leave things that aren't his. I needed to teach him to look for direction from me in uncertain situations. I needed to have a sustainable system for teaching him to be an enthusiastic learner his whole lifetime. In short, I needed to teach my dog life skills.

The "something more" training method: clicker training

"You should train using the methods that best meet your goals. If your goals go beyond merely having your dog 'obey commands,' then clicker training is right for you and right for your dog."What type of teaching and training would best help me achieve these goals? Only clicker training could get me there. Like it or not, one can teach many common behaviors using dominance-based training, which is intrinsically aversive—but no one can compellingly argue that the general public can teach their animals to be enthusiastic learners that way. Can the pet owner develop robust learning and life skills in her dog with those approaches? No. Those goals can be achieved only by clicker training.

Choose the method that meets your goals

I believe that the simple task of articulating a vision of your life with your dog is among the first, most important step you can take to incorporating a dog into your life. Write down a description of what you envision; set some goals. Don't worry that they may be incomplete, just start writing and see where it take you. It could be as simple as " I want to take my dog with me to Starbucks." Seemingly simple goals like these cross the threshold from wanting simple obedience to "something more" because they involve teaching your dog life skills.

You should train using the methods that best meet your goals. If your goals go beyond merely having your dog "obey commands," then clicker training is right for you and right for your dog.

Do you have goals for the animals in your life? Post your comments below and share them with us.

About the author
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Aaron Clayton is President of Karen Pryor Clicker Training and TAGteach International, and a member of the ClickerExpo Faculty.

rescue dog

I have a three year old long haired chihuahua (12 pounds) that I rescued in April.  She is well behaved, but I'd like try clicker training.  Does anyone have any experience training an older rescued fur kid?  I don't know much about her past except she was rescued from a back yard breeder.  Thanks!

I just started clicker

I just started clicker training at our obedience club.  I have a five year old Cardigan that has had minimal obedience.  I am hoping at age 72 I will be able to learn with her and have her enjoy learning.  I will let you know how we get along.

What Will Be The Best Clicker TRaining DVD For A Older Basset?

What would the best Clicker Training DVD for a older stubbaron Basset Hound I tried to train her on my own but I had issues on not sure where I want to start on training her she will sit only for treats. I need a clicker training DVD that will help me on train her and know when to wien her from the clicker and treats to where I can get her to do what I want her to do off lead but I realize she isn't ready for that either.

Pluto's picture

Wish me Luck!

I just baught a clicker today, and I'm hoping for an obedient dog, I mean who does't, right?? But I want to be able to take my dog to a park with my kids, and not have to worry about him running after a squirrel and getting hit by a car, or another dog. I want to be able to walk in the door, and not have him jump all over me, and whoever else walks in the door. He's half pit, so when another male dog comes around, I want to know that I won't have to hold him back. I want a dog that isn't afraid to play(Don't ask, I have no idea what happened! lol).

You never know, maybe by using the clicker, I'll learn a few things myself! I've owned dogs my whole life, but never owned a dog that people would consider "vicious", which is a total stereotype! I want to show people that you can have a safe and happy pit bull, and not have to worry about the dog turning on someone, and whatever else people are afraid of!

Wishing you luck

Hi i have been reading up on clicker training and debating with myself wether it will be a good thing. i have just got my clicker and have decided to start this weekend i want my dog to be well behaved too and hope that we both do well with this method of training. i look forward to hearing how you get on.

wishing you luck and success


I'm the old dog still learning

I am a 71-year-old man who has lived and/or worked with animals much of my life, (dairy farmer on small farm for ten years while I raised four kids alone.) My wife and I are retired and have two small dogs in a senior mobile home park. Her dog is a rat terrier about 10 with few problems except barking very loudly when people actually come up to our door - not a too frequent problem here. My dog is a schnoodle, nearly 3 and about 30 lbs. He was bought and raised here for this enviornment and with the express purpose of forcing me to walk regularly two or three times a day for health reasons. I took him to obedience school when he was 8 months to get a few more tips on training and with a real hope I could get him to calm down a bit when he is around other dogs and people. He and I learned easily and well on all commands and skills he didn't already know, except the calming down part. He still gets quite excited when we meet others, in a super friendly way. Your sentence under ,"My something more," "I wanted him to demonstrate, each day, that he has that fine balance between enthusiasm and self control" really said it perfectly for me. That is the something more I want for Ferby, my companion dog.

I have heard about clicker training for several years now, and already had mentioned to my wife I should have asked Santa for a clicker, when she showed me the article about you in the BARK magazine, I believe the Nov. issue. I intend to order a kit as soon as I post this and am pretty hopeful I will be able to teach Ferby to behave better when he greets people and dogs, without ruining his obvious enjoyment of being my great PR man.

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