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Podcast: Marley and Us—Clicker Training on the Movie Set—Part 2

This month's podcast is Part 2 of Helen Schwarzmann sharing her experiences on the set of the upcoming film Marley and Me. Listen to the podcast (available at the bottom of the page) to learn more about the film and the dog training behind the scenes. You can also read the accompanying article here.

(Part 1 of the Marley and Us podcast is the first of the Previous Podcasts listed below!)

To learn more about KPCT podcasts, and to listen to previous podcasts, follow the links below.

Previous Podcasts

KPCT_PC_Marley_and_ Us_2.mp312.09 MB
About the author
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Helen Schwarzmann began training dogs in Southern California in 1979. Eighteen years later, she moved to Florida where she clicks and treats for fun and competition. Helen maintains the Florida Dobermann Pinscher Rescue Ring website for orphaned Dobies, and blogs about life with her expansive family of canines at www.dobermannpinscher.org.

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