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New airline dedicated to pets featured on ABC

Filed in - pets - travel - pet services - luxuries

ABC news recently ran a story about a new airline dedicated to traveling pets called Pet Airways.

From ABC news

pet airways logo

Soon, pet owners who live in a handful of large U.S. cities will have the ability to do that. Pet Airways plans to begin service on July 14 as the USA's first pets-only carrier — no human passengers allowed. The introductory fare: $149 each way. For that, pets will be flown in individual crates in lighted and pressurized plane cabins, with a human attendant checking them every 15 minutes. They'll board, just like people, from their own airport lounges and get overnight lodging accommodations on long-haul flights. Their owners can track their whereabouts at all times online. They can even earn "pet points" as frequent fliers.

According to this month's poll, 50% of pet owners who responded travel with their pets or plan their vacations around their pets. Does this type of service appeal to pet owners or alleviate some of the issues/fears that pet owners have when traveling with their pets? Will this service make it easier to travel with your pets? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

NayNay's picture

I agree

I would feel much safer to actually have my pet with me on the airplane. But, I suppose, this is the next best option.

if I had to take my pet

on a plane and feel safe about it, I would want it to be right there next to me in the cabin... I walk my pet in, crate it on board, sit down next to it and off we go. If *that* service was available I might concider flying with my pet....

Ok yes, I'm a bit paranoid about pets and airlines...

It's been said that you can order a lab, and you can ask a golden, but you must negotiate with a chesapeake