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APDT (UK) Joins Campaign To Ban Shock Collars

Filed in - Training - Dogs

Banning shock collars in the United Kingdon, from ukpets.co.uk:
The Association of Pet Dog Trainers, (APDT) has joined calls from the Kennel Club, (KC), the Blue Cross, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (RSPCA), Dogs Trust and others for bans on the sale and use of electric shock collars to be included as part of the Animal Welfare Bill, (AWB) because, they say, they compromise animal welfare.

According to the APDT there is no behaviour or training problem in dogs that is best dealt with by delivering an electric shock into a dog's neck. The APDT says it addresses all problems by using up-to-date reward-based training methods and responsible dog ownership - following its motto of "kind, fair and effective". Such methods of training include basic recall and clicker training.
Read the full article here.

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I'm so pleased the APDT has joined the campaign. I loathe these collars and hate the results of their use. I have set up a petition on the downing street website at http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/shockcollars to ensure the public voice is heard as well as the big organisations. We need all the signatures we can get, it ends 22nd July.

For your information

Shockcollars and "any other electronic device that is attached to an animal and gives electric shocks" is illegal to use in Denmark
We manage just fine without them...