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Clicker training your spouse

Filed in - Training - Press - Dogs

We've touched on this topic before, but thanks to Amy Sutherland's recent article in the New York Times, entitled "What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage," the newswires, blogs, and TV screens are all abuzz with the concept of clicker training your household partner and family members.

Kicked, Bitten, and Scratched

Sutherland is the author of the fast-selling Kicked, Bitten, and Scratched: Life and Lessons at the World's Premier School for Exotic Animal Trainers (Viking, $25.95), now available from KPCT. She used the lessons learned while writing her book as the basis of the Times article. Various press takes on the Sutherland story:

You say your hubby has the manners of a macaque, the hygiene of a hyena? Then treat him like one. The woman who trained her mate like a dolphin now has a better marriage, Francine Kopun writes at the Toronto Star.
You just never know what people are going to want to read, says Ray Routhier at the Portland Press Herald. Media types around the world have been writing about Sutherland's column, about why it generated so much interest and what it says about our society.
Some people do seem to get upset about being "trained," even if the results are positive for everyone. If you've had any success implementing a clicker household, let us know!
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