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Clicker training cats enriches their lives

The Gilsdorfs note that some folks believe teaching tricks to cats is unnatural or should be limited to circus animals.

But Sue finds that training increases her rapport with the pets and offers them needed stimulation.

Piano playing and grief counseling: A day in the life of clicker training cats

Being partial to cats myself, I love this piece on a journalist who discovers that - gasp! - not only can you clicker train a cat, but it can open new doors never before imagined:

At one outdoor concert, a 10-year-old boy with Down's syndrome walked by. He was enthralled by the piano-playing feline. He stared at Ricky for several minutes, then spontaneously began to laugh. We're not talking little giggles here. I mean full-blown belly laughter. His mother was stunned. She told me quietly, "Billy's father passed on two weeks ago. Everyone tried to get him to talk, to react, but he wouldn't."

Katrina and the Animals: How you can help save desperate pets in the Gulf Coast

The most silent victims of Hurricane Katrina may be tens of thousands of pets that either died during the storm and ensuing flood or were left behind by owners who in some cases were not allowed to evacuate with their beloved animals. Many organizations are rescuing abandoned animals and helping to reunite them with their families. Many rescue organizations need money, crates, and animal beds. Foster families are also needed. Click here for information on how you can help.

Preview: Clicker Training Events Calendar

We're pleased to announce a sneak preview of our new Clicker Training Events Calendar, a searchable database of clicker training and TAGteaching events where you can post your own events for free, or find events near you at any time.

Cat Fancy features clicker training in their annual Cats Magazine

Cat Fancy's 2006 annual Cats Magazine features an article by Karen on teaching cats new tricks through clicker training. It serves as a great little introduction to clicker training for any cat enthusiast.