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Trainer Interviews

Angi Millwood: Natural Encounters

Angi Millwood, this month's featured ClickerExpo faculty member, is the Associate Director of Behavior Programs for Natural Encounters, Inc., an animal training and presentation company working with both the public and zoo staffs. Prior to work at Natural Encounters, Angi was the Animal Training Coordinator at the Fort Worth Zoo, responsible for the zoo's animal training programs for more than 350 animal species. She was also a member of the Disney's Animal Kingdom opening team in Orlando, Florida . She served as the project leader and co-editor of the Fort Worth Zoo's Animal Training Online website, and has conducted numerous workshops for national and international zoo staff as well as college students.

Expo Faculty Profile: Alexandra Kurland, Horse Trainer

Alexandra Kurland has been teaching and training horses since the mid-1980s as a dressage specialist and an accredited Ttouch practitioner. She began clicker training in the early 1990s, recognizing the power of the method for improving performance and enhancing the relationship between people and their horses. Alexandra teaches the use of clicker training for all equine needs and sports, from providing a gentle, companionable personal riding horse to halter training foals, training advanced performance horses, and reforming difficult and unmanageable horses. She travels widely giving hands-on clicker training seminars in the US and internationally.

Training Trainers: An Interview with Ken Ramirez

Ken Ramirez, ClickerExpo faculty member, is vice president for marine mammal programs and animal training at Chicago's world-famous Shedd Aquarium, where he develops and supervises animal care programs, staff training, and development and public presentation programs for the marine mammal collection. Recently we asked Ken a few questions about his development as a trainer, and how he helps new trainers develop.