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Tips for Keeping Your Dog Cool & Comfortable This Summer

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Are you having a good summer? Make sure that your best friend is, too! Whether your plans include road trips or barbecues in the backyard, follow these tips to ensure that your pet is safe and happy.


  • Early or late in the day is the best time for a stroll with your pet when the temperatures are scorching.
  • Check the pavement for heat before heading out the door (if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog). Try to stay on grassy surfaces to avoid burning your dog’s paws.
  • Be sure to use the proper equipment. A lightweight, breathable harness like the Balance No-Pull Harness will help make the walk enjoyable for both you and your dog.
  • Light-up collars and collar lights make your dog visible at night.
  • To help your pet cool down, fill your dog’s favorite treat-dispensing toy (such as Kong Classic or Kong Quest Wishbone) with treats and water and freeze to create a refreshing summer snack.
  • Try a water game with fetch toys that float, such as the Flying Fish water toy and SqueakyBall. No access to water? Plastic kiddy pools provide splashes for not much cash!  


  • For a quick jaunt to the town park, a weekend getaway, or a cross-country trip, always be sure that your dog is safe. Car Harnesses such as the Kurgo Impact Seatbelt Harness can be used as an everyday, lightweight walking harness, but also integrates with your car’s seatbelt system.
  • Bring travel essentials to help the trip go smoothly. Collapsible Travel Bowls ensure that your pet has regular access to food and water no matter where you are. Travel beds such as the Mutt Mat and K9 Fit Stretching & Travel Mat roll up for travel and provide a comfortable place to rest for your pet.
  • Use air conditioning to keep the car cool, and never leave your dog unattended in the car.

Storms and other anxiety-inducing events

  • Anticipate summer thunderstorms and fireworks displays—and your dog’s potential fright—by having natural calming aids on hand. A Thundershirt is a novel wraparound garment that calms dogs, providing a sense of safety and comfort in the event of loud storms, sparklers, or other worrisome (to dogs) events. Or, try an Ultra Calmer Canine Stress Relief Collar preloaded with calming music to soothe your dog.

No matter where your summer plans take you, make sure that your dog has access to shade and water at all times. Enjoy!