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User Blogs

Clickertraining.com's users are some of the brightest, most creative trainers in the world. Read what they have to say here, or start your own blog and share your training experience with the world!

Fetch Gone Wrong?

Have you had a dog who just does not fetch the ball properly-meaning they don't bring it back to you?

Cat Clicker Training

I started clicker training about 8 years ago, I should say I tried clicker training. I was able to teach my cat to sit and lie down on command, but then i just stopped.

Attentiveness is different towards me than to our trainer...

I haven't written in awhile but I have been keeping up with clicker training on my Bulldog since we are in a class that teaches using the clicker.  I've also begun clicker training not too lon

Chinchilla Remembered!

Mr. Darcy, my younger chinchilla, got an eye infection that required treatment. Due to his 'illness' I haven't done any training with him for about  a week and a half.