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Karen Pryor Clickertraining Strengthens Management Team with New Marketing Manager

Waltham, MA, July 8, 2011—Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT) is pleased to announce the hiring of Matt Moderski as Marketing Manager, effective immediately. In his new position, Matt will oversee KPCT’s current marketing campaigns and build an integrated marketing strategy to support the company’s momentum, including the rapidly growing Dog Trainer Program from Karen Pryor Academy.

Matt and Pemi

Matt brings a wealth of experience successfully implementing marketing strategies that help companies increase their online presence. Most recently, Matt served as the online marketing manager for Effective Student Marketing, an agency that markets for-profit schools. Prior to that, Matt was the online marketing coordinator at Explorica, a travel business that creates and markets teacher-led educational trips. Matt holds a B.A. in marketing communication from Emerson College.

We are very excited to welcome Matt to our team,” said Aaron Clayton. “Matt’s knowledge of online strategy and strategic marketing will be a real asset as we continue our efforts to re-define the market for animal training products and services.”

“I’m really excited about my new role and working with the very talented team here,” said Matt Moderski. “I’m looking forward to executing a variety of new and innovative ideas to help further establish KPCT's online presence and continue to position the brand as a thought-leader in the animal training market."

About Karen Pryor Clickertraining

Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT) is a leader in the field of animal training and a recognized world leader in the science and application of marker-based positive reinforcement, or what is often call "clicker training." KPCT operates Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior, the ClickerExpo educational conferences, and its popular website, clickertraining.com. Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partners hold classes and work with pet owners and their dogs at over 135 locations across the globe.

Julie Gordon
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)

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